thermogravimetric analysis, coefficient of friction, wear rate, coconut fruit fiber, oyster sea shell.Abstract
In the present research, organic materials (coconut fruit fibres CFF and oyster sea shells OSS) were used as a substitute for asbestos materials. The waste CFF and OSS were washed, crushed, grounded, and sieved to different sizes. The sieved CFF and OSS as reinforcement materials were prepared in three different levels, K1, K2, and K3, with addictive such as phenolic resin, graphite, copper, and hardener. Level K1 has 50% of OSS and 0% of CFF, K2 has 50% of CFF and 50% of OSS, while K3 has 50% of CFF and 0% of OSS. The prepared levels were moulded in clean metal moulding plates up to twenty-seven (27) runs using the Box Behnken Design technic of four factors and three levels. The 27 produced brake pads and commercial brake pad CBP were tested in a laboratory to determine their characterization, such as; thermal conductivity, thermos gravimetric analysis (TGA) and wear rate. The characterization of the produced brake pad has a related standard brake pad coefficient of friction of 0.3 – 0.45 while that of produced brake pad PBP has the lowest TGA of S3232 - 25.44% than CBP 41.90% and PBP of S3122 has the lowest wear rate of 3.17 than CBP 3.92g. From the evaluation, the PBP were superior and performed best in braking application.
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