Polymer composites, Wear rate, Co-efficient of friction, SEM, ANOVA, RSM, Coconut fiber , Jute fiberAbstract
Polyamide 66 hybrid composites were prepared with surface-treated coconut fibers and jute fibers with nano ZnO fillers using mechanical mixer and sonication techniques. Tests were conducted on a pin-on-disc test rig, for online measuring of wear rate and coefficient of friction has been developed. Experiments based on central composite rotatable design were carried out to study the effect of various input parameters, viz. normal force, sliding velocity and reinforcements. The mathematical models were developed between input and responses by using response surface methodology. Analysis of variance test had also been carried out to check the competence of the developed empirical models. It is found that the wear resistance of JF/ZnO/PA is greater than CF/ZnO/PA, whereas the frictional resistance of CF/ZnO/PA is found to be better than JF/ZnO/PA. Worn out surfaces were observed through scanning electron microscope.
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