
  • Vignesh.V Alagappa Chettiar Government College of Engineering and Technology, Karaikudi, India.
  • Jayabal.S Alagappa Chettiar Government College of Engineering and Technology, Karaikudi, India.


Ramie, Epoxy, Axial load properties, Response Surface Methodology (RSM)


Lignocellulose fiber has recently become attractive to researches, engineers and scientists as an alternative reinforcement for Fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composites. Due to low production cost, fairly better mechanical properties, they are exploited as a replacement for the conventional synthetic fiber, such as glass, aramid and carbon. The use of natural fibers reinforced polymer (NFRP) composites in automobile industries and domestic application stands as an evidence for remarkable development in NFRP composites. The impregnation of bio particles in composites has improvement in the mechanical properties, which extended the use of NFRP composites as engineering materials. The present paper comprises of fabrication of Ramie – epoxy polymer composites, followed by the analysis of its axial load properties like tensile strength, and compressive strength. Also to compare the properties of composite samples on the basis of different length of the fiber and fiber weight fraction. By using Response Surface Methodology (RSM) to obtain the optimum fibre length and fibre weight percentage for the best axial load characteristics. Regression equations are also generated to predict the best axial load characteristics at intermediate fiber length and fiber weight fraction.


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How to Cite

“OPTIMIZATION OF AXIAL LOAD CHARACTERISTICS OF RAMIE – EPOXY COMPOSITES USING RESPONSE SURFACE METHODOLOGY”, JME, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 088–094, Jun. 2018, Accessed: Mar. 09, 2025. [Online]. Available: https://smenec.org/index.php/1/article/view/120

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