
  • Prabhu P R Department of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, MIT, Manipal, Karnataka - 576104, India
  • Kulkarni S M Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Surathkal, Karnataka - 575025, India
  • Sharma S S Department of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, MIT, Manipal, Karnataka - 576104, India


Surface Enhancement, Service Properties, Fatigue, Residual Compressive Stress, Fatigue Life


This paper presents a review of the most commonly used mechanical surface enhancement techniques and their applications in various industries mainly in automobile and aerospace industries. A brief description of each technique, as well as the advantages and limitations over other techniques are given. The effects of those techniques on the surface characteristics and service properties of components are summarized. It provides a know-how information and also comparison of various techniques. It guides researchers and engineers towards proper and appropriate use of each technique for relevant case or application. The list of techniques can be extended to a wider range of surface enhancement methods. This paper introduces the most commonly used modern Mechanical Surface Enhancement (MSE) techniques and their effects on the service properties of various components.


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How to Cite

“MECHANICAL SURFACE ENHANCEMENT (MSE) TECHNIQUES FOR FATIGUE LIFE IMPROVEMENT – A REVIEW”, JME, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 211–219, Dec. 2011, Accessed: Mar. 09, 2025. [Online]. Available:

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