
  • Maniya K D C. K. Pithawalla College of Engineering and Technology, Surat, Gujarat -305 007, India
  • Bhatt M G Shantilal Shah Engineering College, Bhavnagar, Gujarat -364 060, India


Industrial Robot, Grey Relational Analysis , Analytical Hierarchy Method, Entropy Method


The aim of the present work is to propose an integrated multi attribute decision making (MADM) methodology for selection of Industrial Robot for a given application. The proposed methodology is based on Grey relational analysis with considering integrated weight of every industrial robot selection attributes. The integrated weights are computed using Analytical hierarchy method and Entropy method. One numerical application is presented to demonstrate and validate the proposed industrial robots selection methodology. The study has concluded that the proposed methodology is an appropriate for selection of Industrial robot.


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How to Cite

“AN INTEGRATED MULTI ATTRIBUTE DECISION MAKING METHODOLOGY FOR SELECTION OF INDUSTRIAL ROBOT”, JME, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 086–092, Jun. 2011, Accessed: Mar. 07, 2025. [Online]. Available:

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