Effect of Holding Time on Bonding Strength and Joint Interface Microstructure of Vacuum Diffusion Bonded Dissimilar Austenitic Stainless Steel - Titanium Alloy Joints


  • A. Negemiya Sri Shakthi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore
  • Tushar Sonar
  • S. Rajakumar




Vacuum diffusion bonding, Holding time, AISI 304 steel, Ti6Al4V alloy, microstructure and bonding strength


In this investigation, the effect of holding time on the microstructure of joint interface and bonding strength of vacuum diffusion bonded dissimilar austenitic stainless (ASS) – titanium (Ti) alloy joints were investigated. The dissimilar joints of ASS - Ti alloy were developed using the holding time of 30, 45, 60, 75 and 90 minutes in a vacuum chamber at a temperature of 900⁰C and pressure of 14 MPa. The bonding strength of ASS – Ti alloy joints was evaluated using the ram tensile test. The microhardness survey was done perpendicular to the joint interface. The microstructure of the joint interface was analyzed using optical microscopy (OM). The evolution of intermetallic compounds at the joint interface was analyzed using X-ray diffraction (XRD). The microstructure of the joint interface was correlated to the bonding strength of joints.


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How to Cite

“Effect of Holding Time on Bonding Strength and Joint Interface Microstructure of Vacuum Diffusion Bonded Dissimilar Austenitic Stainless Steel - Titanium Alloy Joints”, JME, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 073–078, Jun. 2022, doi: 10.37255/jme.v17i2pp073-078.

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