Synthesis and Characterisation of Woven Roving Glass Mat for Epoxy Composites
SEM analysis, Hardness test,, Density testandEpoxy CompositeAbstract
The composite materials are replacing the traditional materials because of their superiorproperties such as high tensile strength, low thermal expansion,high strength to weight ratio, lowcost, lightweight, high specific modulus, renewability and biodegradability which are the most basic & common attractive features of composites that make them useful for industrial applications. Thedevelopments of new materials are on the anvil and are growing day by day. The efforts to produceeconomically attractive composite components have resulted in several innovative manufacturingtechniques currently being used in the composites industry. Generally,composites consist of mainlytwo phases i.e., matrix and fiber. In this study, woven roving mats (E-glass fiber orientation (-45°/45°,0°/90°, - 45°/45°), UD450GSM)were cut in measured dimensions and a mixture of Epoxy Resin (EPOFINE-556, Density-1.15gm/cm3), Hardener (FINE HARDTM 951, Density- 0.94 gm/cm3) and Acetone [(CH3)2CO, M= 38.08 g/mol] was used to manufacture the glass fiber reinforced epoxycomposite by hand lay-up method. Mechanical properties such as tensile strength, SEM analysis,hardness test, density tests are evaluated.
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