Mechanical Properties of Epoxy Resin Based Graphene Nano Particles Composite


  • Durgaprasad Kollipara Department of Mechanical Engineering, V.K.R, V.N.B and A.G.K College of Engineering, Gudiwada, Andhrapradesh-521301, India
  • Prabhakar Gope V N B Department of Mechanical Engineering, V.K.R, V.N.B and A.G.K College of Engineering, Gudiwada, Andhrapradesh-521301, India
  • Raja Loya Department of Mechanical Engineering, V.K.R, V.N.B and A.G.K College of Engineering, Gudiwada, Andhrapradesh-521301, India



Epoxy Resin, Graphene Nano Particles, GNP, MMC and Mechanical Properties


Composites have tremendous applicability due to their excellent capabilities. Theperformance of composites mainly depends on the reinforcing material applied. A Graphenenanoparticle (GNP) is successful as an efficient reinforcing material due to its versatile as well assuperior properties. Even at very low content, graphene can dramatically improve the properties ofpolymer and metal matrix composites. In this paper the effects of GNP on composites based on epoxyresin were analyzed. Different contents of GNP (0 – 4.5 vol. %) were added to the epoxy resin. TheGNP/epoxy composite was fabricated under room temperature. Mechanical tests result such as tensile,flexural and hardness test show enhancements of the mechanical properties of the GNP/epoxycomposite. The experimental results clearly show an improvement in Young’s modulus, tensilestrength, and hardness as compared to pure epoxy. The results of this research are strong evidence for GNP/epoxy composites being a potential candidate for use in a variety of industrial applications,especially for automobile parts, aircraft components, and electronic parts such as super capacitors,transistors, etc.


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How to Cite

“Mechanical Properties of Epoxy Resin Based Graphene Nano Particles Composite”, JME, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 084–092, Dec. 2020, doi: 10.37255/jme.v15i4pp84-92.

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