Analysis of Means for Analyzing Missing Data from Experimental Designs – Part I
Analysis of Means, Missing Data, Latin Square Designs, Graeco Latin Square Designs, Hyper Graeco-Latin-Square DesignsAbstract
A step-by-step analysis of means (ANOM) procedure proposed by Subramani (1992) to analyze the missing data from randomized block designs has been extended to other experimental designs with several missing observations. The proposed method is general in nature. For the sake of simplicity the procedure of analysis of means to analyze missing data from experimental designs has been discussed in two parts. In part I, it is planned to apply this method for analyzing missing data from latin square designs, graeco latin square designs and hyper graeco latin square designs. The part II of this paper is dedicated to analyze the missing data from replicated latin square designs, cross over designs and F-Square designs. The procedure is also illustrated with the help of numerical examples.
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