ANOVA, Reproducibility, ValidationAbstract
ANOVA is the method to test a hypothesis. It is statistically based objective decision making tool for detecting any differences in average performance of the groups of items tested. So far, researchers used ANOVA to find out the existence and extent of relation between the chosen input parameters and selected output parameters. On the contrary, In this work the authors tried to apply ANOVA to test the reproducibility of results when the relation between the input and out parameters is already known. One of the cases that needs checking of reproducibly of results is the validation of the numerical results with experimental ones. In this work the force obtained from simulation is to be compared with the experimental results for which the experimental results are to be reproducible for the validation to be valid. ANOVA is used here to check whether the variation among the averages of the groups is more than individual variation taking BHF (blank holding force) and punch force as input and output parameters respectively.
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