
  • Darji V P Department of Mechanical Engineering, C. U. Shah College of Engineering & Technology, Surendranagar, Gujarat – 363030, India
  • Rao R V Department of Mechanical Engineering, S. V. National Institute of Technology, Surat – 395 007, Gujarat, India


Intelligent Analytical Hierarchy Process – IAHP, Machine Tool Selection, ELECTRE – III


The selection of appropriate machines and equipments is one of the most critical decisions in the design and development of a successful manufacturing environment. Considering the detailed specifications related to the functional requirements, productivity, quality, flexibility, cost, etc., and the number of available alternative machine tools in the market, the selection procedure can be quite complicated and time consuming. In the present work an intelligent approach is introduces for the machine tool selection. A new approach is developed for Analytical Hierarchy process – AHP, which guides decision maker in calculating the relative importance of various criteria. In this way the AHP is better termed as an Intelligent AHP (IAHP). There are four main criteria such as productivity, flexibility, safety & environment and adaptability. Some important sub-criteria are used for the selection are machine power, spindle speed, tool magazine capacity, etc. to evaluate the machine tool system. The ranking is done using Elimination and Choice Expressing the Reality – ELECTRE method.


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How to Cite

“SELECTION OF MACHINE TOOL SYSTEM USING INTELLIGENT MULTI – ATTRIBUTE DECISION MAKING METHODS”, JME, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 284–292, Dec. 2010, Accessed: Mar. 09, 2025. [Online]. Available:

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