
  • Raghu Kumar B K L College of Engineering, Vaddeswaram-522 502, India
  • Ramana K V K L College of Engineering, Vaddeswaram-522 502, India
  • Mallikharjuna Rao K Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada- 533 003, India.


Condition based Monitoring, Boiler Feed Pump, Boiler Feed Pump Train


Condition monitoring and diagnostic engineering is a novel concept which enables us to detect in advance any incipient failures with ease and confidence in any part of a dynamic system before such failure trigger off various types of failure mechanisms, which in turn may render the whole system uneconomical, unreliable, unhealthy, unsafe and even lethal. The present work highlights an experimental investigation to monitor the vibration condition of Boiler Feed Pump unit, which is a part of Boiler Feed Pump train of a large utility Thermal Power Plant.  The Boiler Feed Pump is supported by 2 Bearings. Tri-axial measurements are made at the bearing supports for 12 months. Displacement and Velocity are measured along Horizontal, Vertical and Axial directions. The experimental data is plotted on Time domain for graphical analysis to ease viewing of vibration signals. Based on the experimental data, faults are diagnosed using ISO – 2372 standards and causes are predicted. It is observed that the front and rear bearings of Boiler Feed Pump are experiencing excess vibration. The work is concluded by suggesting remedial measures to ensure vibration intensity at the said points within the safe limits.


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How to Cite

“EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION AND FAULT DIAGNOSIS OF A BOILER FEED PUMP UNIT”, JME, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 233–238, Dec. 2009, Accessed: Mar. 09, 2025. [Online]. Available: https://smenec.org/index.php/1/article/view/570

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