
  • Vignesh J Department of Mechanical Engineering, V. V College of Engineering, V.V.Nagar, Tisaiyanvilai (Via), Tirunelveli (Dist.), Tamilnadu, India.
  • Simon Christopher A Department of Mechanical Engineering, V. V College of Engineering, V.V.Nagar, Tisaiyanvilai (Via), Tirunelveli (Dist.), Tamilnadu, India.
  • Pravin Tamil Selvan C Department of Mechanical Engineering, V. V College of Engineering, V.V.Nagar, Tisaiyanvilai (Via), Tirunelveli (Dist.), Tamilnadu, India.
  • Jegan R Department of Mechanical Engineering, V. V College of Engineering, V.V.Nagar, Tisaiyanvilai (Via), Tirunelveli (Dist.), Tamilnadu, India.


Design of vertical axis wind mill, Vertical Column, Rotary blades, Gear, Journal bearing, Shaft, Power generation


It is well known that we rely on the nonrenewable resources such as fossil fuels, oils, natural gas, etc which will certainly get exhausted some day. So keeping these things into consideration we thought of generating power using non-conventional sources which is abundantly available naturally and has zero threat for extinction. Among the various non-convention methods for generation of electric power, wind has found its place to be efficient. Wind Energy being renewable resource of energy has got much attention for power generation, now a day. Having a nature of abundance unlike employment of resources in conventional methods satisfies the growing needs. Wind energy depends upon natural terrains which have wind potential, though these terrains are not found even in nature everywhere, but those which have, are the places that can be harnessed for high potential power generation. Taking into consideration the geographical attributes of our region, the vertical axis windmill will be efficient for power generation. The basic reason for using VAWT is that, it does not consider the wind direction and it can be operated at low wind speed. The main objective of this paper is to design and fabricate a vertical axis wind mill. Vertical axis wind mill (VAWT) is a type of wind mill where the main rotor shaft is set vertically. VAWT offer a number of advantages over traditional horizontal axis wind mill (HAWT). In the vertical axis wind mill, the blade is fabricated with the help of PVC and the blades are arranged in cylindrical shape with the help of rim. The advantages of this arrangement are that the generator and the gearboxes can be placed close to the ground.



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How to Cite

“DESIGN AND FABRICATION OF VERTICAL AXIS WIND MILL”, JME, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 165–170, Sep. 2018, Accessed: Mar. 09, 2025. [Online]. Available:

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