
  • Mahamani A Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering and Technology, Chittoor, AP, India, 517127.


In-situ composite, Tapping, delamination, Pitch of the thread, Depth of the thread


Aluminum matrix composite is a ductile-brittle interface system, and receives the attentions of numerous researchers. In-situ composites are the synthesized with the objective of enhancing the mechanical properties with minimal reinforcement ratio. Assembly of machine components requires the fastening. It is unavoidable to the use of elements with external and internal thread for making the engineering components. Tapping is one of the important processes to make the thread on the components. The present paper studies the influence of reinforcement ratio and tap size on in threading of AA2219- TiB2/ZrB2 in-situ composites. Delamination, pitch of the thread and depth of the thread are considered as responses.  The analysis of the result shows that the reinforcement ratio has significant influence on the responses of the thread.


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How to Cite

“INFLUENCE OF REINFORCEMENT RATIO AND TAP SIZE IN THREADING OF AA2219- TIB2/ZRB2 IN-SITU COMPOSITES”, JME, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 068–074, Jun. 2016, Accessed: Feb. 18, 2025. [Online]. Available:

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